Used Valve equipment

Valves are devices that are used to control the flow of liquids, gases, or other fluid mixtures. Special Projects International offers a variety of different types of used valves from well-known manufacturers like Actaris, Andritz Sprout Bauer, Bray, Brooks Instrument, Crane Sanders, DCL, DeZurik, Endress-Hauser, Flex-Kleen, Flo-Tronics, Groth, HHC, Hilton Valve Inc., Hosokawa, Hydro-Thermal, Kaydon Corp., Keystone, K-Tron Premier, Liquid Controls Corp., Lorenz, Maco, Neptune, Pfening, Prater-Sterling, Premier Pneumatic, Protectoseal, Rotolock Valves Inc., Rovalve, Salina Vortex, Schenck Process, Semco, Siemens, Shick, Shlumberger, Smoot Co., Sprout Waldron, Tokheim, Tri-Clover, Waeschle, WM Meyer, and Young Industries. The different types of used valves we offer are listed and described below.

Gate Valve
Gate valves, also called “sluice valves,” are valves that opens by lifting a barrier (called a “gate”) out of the path of a fluid. These valves require very little space along the pipe axis, and they produce very little flow resistance when the gate is fully opened. The gate faces can be parallel but are most commonly wedge-shaped so that pressure can be applied on the sealing surface. Gate valves are usually used to shut off the flow of liquids rather than to regulate the flow of a liquid.

Rotary Airlock Feeder
Rotary airlock feeders, also called “rotary airlocks” or “rotary valves,” are valves that are primarily used for discharging bulk solid material from hoppers or bins, receivers, and cyclones into a pressure or vacuum-driven pneumatic conveying system. These valves are commonly found in industrial and agricultural applications as a component in a bulk or specialty material handling system. Rotary airlock feeders can be used for a variety of dry free-flowing powders like cement, ore, sugar, minerals, grains, plastics, dust, fly ash, flour, gypsum, lime, coffee, cereals, pharmaceuticals, and more.

Pneumatic Diverter Valve
Pneumatic diverter valves are ideal for diverting dry bulk material in gravity flow, dilute phase, or dense phase pneumatic conveying applications. These valves are used to re-route product from one conveying line to another. Diverter valves are commonly found in the chemical, cement, coal, food, frac sand, grain, minerals, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, plastic, polymer, rubber, and mining industries.

Liquid Flow Meter
Liquid flow meters are devices that are used to measure the volumetric, mass, nonlinear, and/or linear flow rate of a liquid. These devices use the liquid’s velocity to calculate the flow rate. There are many different types of liquid flow meters, and they can be found throughout a range of industrial processes. Liquid flow meters are commonly found in the petrochemical, chemical manufacturing, mining, pulp and paper manufacturing, water purification, and food and beverage industries.

Butterfly Valve
Butterfly valves are designed to isolate or regulate the flow of a fluid. These valves have a disk that acts as a closing/opening mechanism. Butterfly valves can be shut off quickly on demand, and they are lighter in weight than most other valves. Butterfly valves are commonly found in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food industries to interrupt product flow within a process.

Vacuum Conservation Vent
Vacuum conservation vents are relief vents that are found in processes where it is necessary or desirable to reduce evaporation of tank contents to the atmosphere. These devices are typically mounted to a flange or pipe that connects to the vapor space (space within a tank that is above the liquid’s surface) of a storage tank. The pressure in this vapor space increases or decreases as liquid is pumped into or out of the tank, respectively. The tank’s vapor space pressure/vacuum works in opposition to the force applied to the vacuum conservation vent. Once the excess pressure or vacuum condition has been relieved, the vent reseals automatically. Vacuum conservation vents are sometimes employed to prevent tanks from collapsing when being drained.

Flame Arrestor
Flame arrestors, also spelled “arresters,” are devices that are designed to stop fuel combustion by absorbing heat from a flame front traveling at subsonic velocities, thus dropping the burning gas/air mixture below its auto-ignition temperature and extinguishing the flame. These devices are used to stop or limit the spread of an open fire, to prevent potentially explosive mixtures from igniting, and confining fire within a controlled location. Flame arresters are commonly found on fuel storage tank vents, fuel gas pipeline, safety storage cabinets, exhaust systems of internal combustion engines, davy lamps in coal mining, and more.

Rupture Disc
Rupture discs are non-reclosing pressure relief safety devices that are designed to protect a pressure vessel, equipment, or other system from overpressurization or potentially damaging vacuum conditions. These devices are known as sacrificial parts because they contain a one-time-use membrane that ruptures at a predetermined differential pressure – either positive or vacuum. Rupture discs provide an instant response to an increase or decrease in system pressure. These devices are commonly found in petrochemical, aerospace, aviation, defense, medical, railroad, nuclear, chemical, pharmaceutical, food processing, and oil field industries.

Diaphragm Valve
Diaphragm valves are devices that consist of a valve body with two or more ports, an elastomeric diaphragm, and a seat (usually called a “weir” or “saddle”) upon which the diaphragm closes the valve. These devices are commonly used for control and throttling purposes. Diaphragm valves are suited for corrosive applications, abrasive applications, and slurries because they can be constructed from a wide range of materials including different metals, plastics, woods, and rubbers.

Sanitary Valve
Sanitary valves are devices that are designed for use in applications requiring clean or sterile processing. These valves are designed so that there are no crevices or cavities that can trap media where bacteria can feed on and multiply. Sanitary valves are commonly found in dairy, food and beverage, brewing, wine and spirits, sterilizing equipment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and supplies, bio-chemical processing, and more.

Steam Heater Valve
Steam heater valves, also called radiator air vents, air valves, steam vents, or steam valves, are devices that are only found on radiators one-pipe steam boiler systems. When the steam boiler is not in a heating cycle, the steam heater valve is open to allow ambient air to fill the radiator. As a heating cycle begins, steam flows up through the supply pipe to the radiator. As the radiator fills with steam, it pushes the air out through the open vent.

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