Used Evaporator equipment

Evaporators are machines that are designed to be used in a process to turn a substance in liquid into its gaseous form/vapor. Special Projects International offers different types of used evaporators from well-known and trusted manufacturers like APV, Artisan, Blaw Knox, Goslin Birmingham, Hitachi, Luwa, Rodney Hunt, Vesta, Votator, and Wuxi Lima. The types of evaporators we offer are listed and described below.

Rising Falling Film Evaporators
Rising falling film evaporators are a specialized type of evaporator in which a thin film of liquid is passed over a rising and falling plate to allow the evaporation process to occur. In the rising phase, the liquid feed is heated by a flow of steam as it rises through a corrugated plate. In the subsequent falling phase, the liquid flows downward at high velocity under gravitational force. Evaporation and cooling occurs rapidly during the falling phase. These evaporators are used in any application where the liquid to be evaporated cannot withstand extended exposure to high temperatures. Rising falling film evaporators are commonly used in the fruit juice, dairy, food, and pharmaceutical industries.

Thin Film Evaporators
Thin film evaporators are composed of a cylindrical pressurized heating jacket with a rotor/wiper encased inside. The rotating wipers evenly distribute the feed material before forming a thin turbulent layer of liquid which creates ideal heat flux and mass transfer conditions. Under these conditions, the more volatile substance evaporates rapidly and is expelled from the heating cylinder. The less volatile materials are collected and exit through the discharge nozzle. Thin film evaporators are favorable in many processes because of their significantly reduced residence time. Thin film evaporators are commonly found in the chemical, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries.

Forced Circulation Evaporators
The forced circulation evaporator comprises of a heat exchanger, a separator, and a circulation pump. The product is sent to the exchanger where it is heated and then sent to the separator. Deflector plates separate the vapor and liquid, and the vapor leaves through the top while the concentrated liquid comes out at the bottom. Forced circulation evaporators are commonly found in the salt, plastic, polymer, and pharmaceutical industries for crystallizing, concentrating, and/or thickening of products.

Calandria Evaporators
The calandria evaporator, also known as the vertical short tube evaporator, consists of a short tube evaporator with a bundle of tubes for heat exchange enclosed in another cylindrical vessel – called a calandria. Once the feed enters the machine, steam is introduced to the cylinder which heats the tubes – indirectly heating the feed and causing humidity to be removed. At the end of the evaporation cycle, the steam and the dehumidified compound will exit through the upper and bottom part respectively. Calandria evaporators are commonly used in the evaporation of cane-sugar juice, or in processes in which clear liquid solutions are present, or for non-corrosive conditions.

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