Used Homogenizer equipment

Homogenizers are machines that are used to mix one or more materials for the purpose of making it homogenous and/or reducing particle size. Special Projects International offers used homogenizers from well-known manufacturers such as Admix Inc., APV, Breddo Likwifier, Charles Ross & Son, Cherry-Burrell, Dispax, Gifford-Wood Inc., Greerco, IKA Works Inc., Jaygo, Kinematica, Manton Gaulin, Process Mixing Systems, Ross, and Sonic Corp/Moyno. The different types of used homogenizers we offer are listed and described below.

Homogenizers are high-speed, high-shear machines used to reduce samples to a uniform size through maceration, cutting, and blending. They are used to process liquids, slurries, or granular substances. Homogenizers are commonly found in a variety of applications including the processing of adhesives, chemicals, construction materials, cosmetics, food and beverages, ore or minerals, paint or coatings, paper or pulp, plastic, pharmaceuticals, sanitary applications, milk, water or wastewater, and more.

Inline Homogenizer
Inline homogenizers are machines designed to handle various tasks including emulsifying, suspending, dispersing, and blending within the production line. Unlike regular batch homogenizers, inline homogenizers can be installed in the production line for processes that involve larger quantities of product. These machines are especially useful in applications where continuous processing and homogenization is needed during the manufacturing process. Inline homogenizers are commonly used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, biological, and chemical industries.

Batch High Shear Mixer
Batch high shear mixers are machines that are used to emulsify, homogenize, disperse, grind, and/or dissolve immiscible mixtures with components of the same or different phases. These machines have characteristics of high rotor tip speeds, high shear rates, localized energy dissipation rates, and higher power consumption than ordinary mixers. Batch high shear mixers are commonly found in the manufacturing industry where different components or ingredients are mixed. For example, these machines are applied in the food manufacturing, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, plastic industries and more. Batch high shear mixers are also used in chemical and petrochemical plants to aid in reaction processes.

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