Used Washer equipment

Industrial washers are pieces of equipment that are used to wash a product prior to further processing, manufacturing, or distribution. Special Projects International offers a variety of different used washing machines from well-known manufacturers like ALFAB Metal Corp., Bit Corp., Bowden Industries Inc., Custom Metal Craft, Hamo AG, Heinicke Instruments Co., Hydron, Infratrol, Manufacturing Resources Inc., Masterclean, and Metalwash. The different types of used industrial washers we offer are listed and described below.

Conveyor Belt Parts Spray Washer
Spray washers are machines that consist of a conveyor system that flows through a cabinet containing a water-spraying industrial washer. Inside the spraying cabinet, there are several high-pressure nozzles that spray warm water from all angles to clean the whole surface of every part. These machines are used to wash newly-formed products in medium to large volumes, such as industrial drums, appliances, and automotive parts. Spray washers are commonly integrated with other industrial processes like metal stamping and CNC machining.

Case or Tray Washers
Case or tray washers are industrial machines that are designed for the cleaning of dairy and beverage cases and tote boxes. A conveyor guides the cases through a series of powerful sprays which allows for complete cleaning of the front and back of the cases. Case or tray washers are commonly used in large facilities to minimize production down-time.

Spray Washer
Spray washer machines are usually rectangular boxes that are used for cleaning, disinfecting, and drying. These machines operate like a home kitchen dish washer, but on an industrial scale. Spray washers are used to clean away heavy or difficult to remove soils, grease, oil, coolants, buffing compounds, abrasive dust, blast debris, paint, and more.

Immersion Parts Washer
Immersion parts washers are machines that consist of a parts cleaner tank that use a pneumatically-powered reciprocating platform to agitate parts in the water-based part washer fluid. These machines are commonly used to remove oil and chips from machined components, castings and housing, to remove buffing and lapping compounds, for precision cleaning prior to painting, assembly, or final packaging.

Produce Washer
Produce washers are machines that consist of several nozzles that spray water over produce to wash away any dirt or bacteria contaminants that may be on them. These machines are commonly used to wash fruits and vegetables in a safe and hygienic way.

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