Used Flaker equipment

Flakers are industrial machines designed to solidify a liquid feed material. Special Projects International offers used flaker machines from well-known manufacturers like Berndorf-Hueck, Behtlehem, Blaw Knox, and Sandvik. The different types of used flaker machines we offer are listed and described below.

Belt Flaker
A belt flaker is an industrial machines that uses a chilled stainless steel belt to solidify a liquid feed material. The belt temperature is customizable to meet specific process requirements such as product thickness, temperature profile, or processing times. The wet feed material is delivered onto the steel belt via specialized nozzles. The liquid forms a film that is taken up by the running belt. The underside of the steel belt is cooled by several water nozzles which are positioned to ensure uniform cooling. This design results in controlled and even solidification. The cooling water collects below the belt into tanks and is drained through an integrated collection pipe. At the end of the belt, a fixed blade breaks the solid product layer into small irregular flakes. The blade can be customized to fit specific process. After passing across the blade, the flakes are fed into a drum for collection and further processing.

Drum Dryer
Drum dryers are machines that consist of a heated or cooled rotating horizontal metal cylinder. The wet feed material is applied as a relatively thin layer on the inside of the drum surface. The extreme temperature of the drum contacting surface causes the product to dry or solidify. The solid product is then removed from the drum with the help of a blade. Drum drying is extensively used in the production of instant mashed potatoes, pre-cooked meals, soup mixtures, and low-grade milk powder.

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