Used Calciner equipment
Calciners and other furnaces are used in calcination, a thermal treatment process in which heat and air are applied to a material to carry out a chemical reaction or phase change. Some furnaces are sold as calciners although kilns and reactors can also be used for calcination. Special Projects International offers used calciners from well-known manufacturers like Bethlehem, CO Bartlett & Snow, and Lindberg. The types of used calciners we offer are listed and described below.
Continuous Furnace
Continuous furnaces, also called continuous belt furnaces, are machines that are designed for fast drying and curing of feed material. These machines consist of a belt within a primary heating chamber. As the material is loaded on the belt and moves through the heating chamber, the product is heated to a desired temperature for rapid thermal processing. Continuous furnaces are commonly found in thick film deposition and metallization processes.
Indirect Fired Calciner
Indirect fired calciners, also called “indirect rotary kilns” or “rotary calciners,” are machines that are designed to thermally process a material. These machines usually consist of a rotating drum inside a furnace that is externally heated. The heat is transferred from the shell of the externally heated kiln to the bed of material through radiation. Since the gas is not mixing directly with the material, there is a much lower volume of gas released from the shell, therefore requiring much less treatment of the expelled gases. Indirect fired calciners are commonly used for thermal desorption of organic impurities or hazardous wastes, charcoal production and activation, catalyst activation, reduction roasting, tire pyrolysis, and plastics processing.
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