Used Can and Bottle Cleaning Machine equipment
Can and Bottle Cleaners
Can and bottle cleaners are machines that are designed to remove dust and other contaminants from empty containers. They are commonly used in beverage packaging processes usually before filling and labeling a container. Special Projects International offers different types of can and bottle cleaning machines from well-known manufacturers like AerVoid, Arrowhead Conveyor, Carleton, McBrady, Nercon, Pneumatic Scale, Sentry, Stork Bottling Systems, Unipak Corp., and U.S. Bottlers. The different types of used can and bottle cleaners we offer are listed and described below.
Air Type Bottle Cleaner
Air type bottle cleaners, also called air bottle rinsers, are machines that use nozzles to blow a stream of air into each container to loosen dust and debris. Then, a vacuum removes the loose particulate and the debris is directed away from the machine into a bag. Once the contaminants are removed from the bottles, the bottles are directed towards a filling machine.
Rinsers are machines that are designed to remove dust particles and other dry contaminants from clean containers using water or another liquid rinse media. These machines invert containers over a rinse bed while rinsing heads shoot a jet of water into the container to remove dust and debris. These machines are commonly used for drinking water.
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