Used Scale equipment

Scales are machines that are used to measure the weight of a product. Special Projects International offers several different types of scales from well-known manufacturers like Flex-Weigh Corp., GSE Scale Systems, Ishida, Toledo, Woodman, and Yamato. Special Projects International carries scales for a range of processes. The different types of used scales we offer are listed and described below.

Load Cell Set
Load cells are machines that consist of a sensor or a transducer that converts a mechanical load or force acting on it into a measurable electronic signal. This electronic signal can be a voltage change, current change, or frequency change depending on the type of load cell and circuitry used. Load cells are used in several types of measuring instruments such as laboratory balances, industrial scales, platform scales, and universal testing machines.

Multihead Combination Weigher
Multihead combination weighers, also called multihead weighers, are machines that are designed for fast, accurate, and reliable weighing within a packaging line. The product is fed to the top of the multihead weigher where it is dispersed to the pool hoppers. Each pool hopper drops the product into a weigh hopper (bucket) beneath it as soon as the weigh hopper becomes empty. The weigher’s computer determines the weight of the product in each individual weigh hopper and identifies which combination contains the weight closest to the target. Next, the multihead weigher opens all the hoppers of this combination and the product falls via a discharge cute, into a bag maker, or into a distribution system where the process is continued. Multihead weighers can be used for all types of products from food to non-food. These machines are also used for mix-weighing and to fill bags with product.

Digital Scale
Digital scales are weighing machines that are designed for weighing packages on a platform. Digital scales are used in countless applications among a wide range of industries, but some common applications for digital scales are in inventory control or pre-shipping.

Linear Combination Scale
Linear combination scales combine the technology of both linear and combination weighers in order to provide an efficient weighing process. These machines use linear screw feeders to move otherwise non-free-flowing products, making these machines ideal for wet/sticky items. Additionally, linear combination scales are commonly used to weigh fresh or frozen meat, fish, and chicken.

Mechanical Scale
Mechanical scales are industrial machines that are designed to measure the mass, force exertion, tension, and resistance of an object without requiring a power supply. Some different types of mechanical scales are spring scales, hanging scales, triple beam balances, and force gauges.

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