Used Granulator equipment

Granulators are industrial machines that are designed for processing and recycling plastics and other materials. Special Projects International offers used granulators from well-known manufacturers like Andritz Sprout Bauer, Conair, Cumberland, DRAVO, F.J. Stokes, Foremost, Hydreclaim, Mitts & Merrill, Nelmore, Shred-Tech, and Vecoplan Retech.

Densifiers, also called agglomerators or agglomerator densifiers, are industrial machines designed to create a dense material from lighter material in order to facilitate easier storage and/or handling. These machines employ a rotating blade at the bottom of a hollow drum to continuously slice and discharge the feed material. Densifiers are suitable for materials like plastic films and textiles, plastic bottles, expanded polystyrene (EPS), Styrofoam, and sometimes even aluminum and steel cans.

Oscillating Granulator
Oscillating granulators are machines that are used for gentle homogenization, size reduction, grading, and sieving of dry, sensitive powders and granules. These machines consist of a rotor with blades that oscillate on a horizontal axis. The material is fed at the top through an infeed hopper and falls on the rotor blade. The particles are broken down by the oscillating rotor blades and the material’s size gets reduced so it can be pushed through a mesh screen. Oscillating granulators are commonly used in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food industries.

Plastic Granulator
Plastic granulators are machines that are designed to break down plastic products for recycling. These machines shear and smash scrap plastics into granules that can be used for molding. The plastic is fed into the granulator where a series of cutting knives within the rotor breaks the plastic into smaller pieces.

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