Used Pasteurizer Tunnel equipment

Pasteurizer Tunnels
Pasteurizer tunnels are machines that are used to reduce the amount of microorganisms in a food or beverage product by heating them to a regulated temperature for a specific time in order to minimize the effect on physical stability and flavor while maximizing biological stability. Special Projects International offers used industrial pasteurizing equipment from well-known manufacturers like Aeroglide, Nercon, Pacrite, and S.J. Industries. The different types of pasteurizer tunnels we offer are listed and described below.

Can Warmer
Can warmers are pasteurizing machines that are designed to warm carbonated beverages before packaging so that condensation from the cold cans does not ruin the packaging. These machines carry cold liquid-filled cans through a stainless steel tunnel where hot water is sprayed onto them to warm them. They are dried as they exit the tunnel before they are placed into final containers for storage or shipment.

Spray Pasteurizer Cooler
Spray coolers, or spray pasteurizer coolers, are machines that use circulating warm water spray for pre-heating, circulating hot water spray for pasteurization, warm water pre-cooling, cold water cooling four-stage treatment, or multi-stage treatment, pasteurizing, and cooling a beverage to ambient temperature before being sent to the next station for further processing. These machines are commonly used in bottle packaging

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S.No Image Title Description

SPC3976 Pasteurizer Tunnel 5' x 20' S.J. Industries can warmer model 5 20, Stainless Steel

Used S.J. Industries can warmer For Sale