Used Heat Exchanger equipment

Heat Exchangers
Industrial heat exchangers are machines designed to transfer heat from one fluid material to another. Special Projects International offers several different types of used heat exchangers from well-known manufacturer’s like Alfa-Laval Inc., Allegheny Bradford, Ansonia, API Basco, API Schmidt-Bretten, APV, Armstrong, Atlas, Baltimore Aircoil Co., Bell & Gosset, Blaw Knox, Chemtech, Chemineer Inc., Cherry-Burrell, Chester Jensen Co., Cosmos Mineral Corp., Crepaco, Doyle & Roth Mfg. Co., Dry Coolers Inc., Graham Heliflow, Marley, Mueller, Patterson-Kelley, Perry, Pfaudler, Reco, Sentry, Tranter Superchanger, Waukesha, and more.

Plate Heat Exchanger
Plate heat exchangers are a popular type of heat exchanger that use metal plates to transfer heat between two fluids. The design consists of several heat transfer plates held by a fixed plate and a loose pressure plate to form a complete unit. Each heat transfer plate has a gasket arrangement that provides two separate channel systems for the hot and the cold fluid. The heat cuts through the surface and separates the hot medium from the cold medium. Therefore, heating and cooling fluids and gases uses minimal energy levels. Plate heat exchangers are usually best suited for liquid-liquid heat transfer under medium to low pressure.

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Shell and tube heat exchangers consist of a large pressure vessel (shell) with a bundle of tubes inside of it. The heat exchange takes place when one fluid flows outside of the tubes through the shell while the other fluid runs through the inside of the tubes. Shell and tube heat exchangers are the most common type of heat exchanger in oil refineries and other large chemical processes. Additionally, shell and tube heat exchangers are suitable for higher-pressure applications.

Scrape Surface Heat Exchanger
Scraped surface heat exchangers are machines designed to process highly viscous fluids. These machines have a long cylindrical heat exchanging tube with a rotating shaft in the middle. Scraping blades are attached to the shaft and extend out to the inside surface of the cylinder. As feed material moves through the cylinder, the blades continually scrape the inner wall of the inside cylinder. This scraping mechanism allows for continuous and stable heat transfer among viscous or sticky materials.

Spiral Heat Exchanger
Spiral heat exchangers are designed to be used in applications prone to high fouling. These machines consist of two long, flat plates wrapped around a mandrel or center tube to create two concentric spiral channels – one for the hot fluid and one for the cold fluid. The high fluid velocity of spiral heat exchangers creates a scrubbing effect so that any solids settled on the heat transfer surface will be washed away. Spiral heat exchangers are often found in chemicals and hydrocarbon processing, oil refining, pulp and paper, metals, mining, and minerals, and pharmaceutical processes.

Cooling Tower
Industrial cooling towers are recirculating water systems used to remove heat absorbed in power plants, petroleum refineries, petrochemical plants, natural gas processing plants, food processing plants, and many other industrial facilities.

Tube Type Cooler
The tube type cooler is a water-cooled heat exchanger with a wide range of capabilities and applications. They consist of a series of tubes within a larger outer vessel. These coolers work by removing unwanted heat from a process and transferring it to the cooling media which is typically water or water/glycol stream. Water-cooled heat exchangers like the tube type cooler can be used for oil cooling, process liquid cooling, water/glycol cooling, HVAC systems, steam condensing, gas cooling, and more.

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