Used Bin Hopper Silo equipment
Feed Bins, Feed Hoppers, and Bulk Silos
Bins, hoppers, and silos are used throughout several industries for storage and product feed/transfer purposes. Special Projects International offers bins, hoppers, and silos of several different sizes, materials of construction, and compositions from well-known manufacturers like Professional Engineering Associates and Vibra Screw Inc. The different types of bins, hoppers, and silos we offer are listed and described below.
Bulk Storage Bins
Bulk storage bins are basically large containers for temporary storage of a product. They have a wide range of sizes, shapes, uses, and construction materials to fit specific process needs. Bulk storage bins can be rectangular, pyramidal, conical, cylindrical, or a combination of those design shapes. They are commonly made of stainless steel, but can be made of carbon steel and high density polyethylene (HDPE).
Live Bin Bottoms
Live bin bottoms are machines that are designed to meter material at a desired rate within a process. These machines are usually fed by a hopper/bin which results in a flooded and choke loaded inlet. Once loaded, the unit begins to vibrate and break up chunks and agglomerates. The vibrating action of a live bin bottom eliminates bridging and conditions materials to constant bulk density for more consistent downstream feeding on demand. Additionally, live bottom bins can work by means of parallel screws that rotate to break up chunks into a uniform density. Live bin bottoms are usually used to discharge to any feeder, process line, or wherever a storage bin is desired.
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