Used Filters equipment
Filtration Equipment
Special Projects International buys and sells both new and used filters for a wide variety of industries. We carry single and double basket strainers, cartridge filters, magnetic separators, reverse osmosis filters, horizontal and vertical leaf filters, carbon filters, centrifugal screen filters, plate-and-frame filters, recessed-plate filter presses, and more. We offer new and used filtration equipment from well-known manufacturers like Avery Filter Co., Duriron, Eaton, Eriez, Filterite, Filter Specialists, General Electric, JWI, Millipore, Ronningen-Petter, Sparkler, Sweco, U.S. Filter Company, Werke, and more. The different types of filtration equipment we offer are listed and described below.
Basket Strainers
A basket strainer is a device that uses a mesh screen to filter out foreign particles in a horizontal pipeline. Basket strainers are usually installed upstream of equipment like pumps, control valves, and traps, keeping potentially corrosive or damaging debris from making its way down the line. They can be installed alone or in a series to increase filtration. Basket strainers are designed to accommodate one or two basket filters and are commonly used in the process industry, power industry, oil and gas industry, pulp and paper industry, pharmaceutical industry, metals and mining industry, water and waste management industry, refineries, and petrochemical plants.
Horizontal Vacuum Belt Filters
Horizontal vacuum belt filters have a perforated horizontal belt filter and a zone with a vacuum effect. The product to be dried is loaded onto the horizontal belt filter. As the belt moves over the vacuum zone, the free liquid is removed and the solid forms a cake. Additionally, the filtrate is pulled through the cake and filter cloth by vacuum into channels in the drainage belt. These machines specialize in their cake washing performance. Some common uses for horizontal vacuum belt filters are in pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals, mineral concentrates, pigments, and more.
Reverse Osmosis Filter
A reverse osmosis filter system removes sediment and chlorine from water with a pre-filter before it forces water through a semi-permeable membrane to remove dissolved solids. After water exits the reverse osmosis system, it passes through a post-filter to rid the product of any leftover unwanted materials. Reverse osmosis filters are commonly used in the automotive, food and beverage, aerospace, pharmaceutical, and water industries.
Recessed Plate Filter Press
The recessed-plate filter press is similar to the plate-and-frame press in appearance but consists only of plates. Both faces of each plate are hollowed to form a chamber for cake accumulation between adjacent plates. This design has about half as many joints as a plate-and-frame press, so a tightly-sealed closure is more certain. Recessed plate filter presses are often used by the power, industrial wastewater, chemical processing, metal finishing, mining and energy, and several other industries.
Plate and Frame Filter Press
The plate and frame filter press consists of several rectangular hollow frames that are covered by a filter media on both sides which provide space for cake accumulation during filtration. The frames have feed and wash manifold ports, and the plates have filtrate drainage ports. The plate and frames are hung between a pair of horizontal support bars and pressed together during filtration to from a tight closure between the two end plates. Plate and frame filters are often used in the pharmaceutical, chemical, cosmetic, and food/beverage industries.
Pressure Leaf Filter
Pressure leaf filters are operated by first feeding a liquid into a pressurized vessel. The liquid passes through the filter leaves leaving behind the solids in the form of a cake. The filtered liquid exits the filter through the manifold connecting all the filter leaves. The filter cake is then discharged from the vessel by either sluicing with a separate liquid or as a dry solid via vibration. Pressure leaf filters are often found in the beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical, and petrochemical industries. We offer both horizontal pressure leaf filters and vertical pressure leaf filters.
Carbon Filter
Carbon filters are designed to trap gases and/or liquids through a process called adsorption, which occurs when molecules attach to the outside of a surface, rather than being soaked into it. The activated carbon is porous which maximizes the amount of surface space available for contaminants to latch onto when air passes through the filter. Carbon filters also capture airborne particles such as dust, pet dander, and more. Carbon filters are most commonly used for water purification, air filtering, and industrial gas processing.
Cartridge Filter
Cartridge filters are simple, modular filters that are inserted into a housing and can be used to remove unwanted particles, pollutants, and chemicals from liquids. Common applications for cartridge filters include water purification, pharmaceuticals, electric utilities, hydraulic fluids, bulk chemicals, and more.
Centrifugal Screen Filter
Centrifugal screen filters, also known as centrifugal separators, consist of an inlet, outlet, and separator body. The feed material is pumped into a cone-shaped working apparatus within the separator. The separator then produces a spinning vortex, which forces the solids to be collected at the bottom of the separator where they are discharged. The high-density liquid flows out of the separator, along with the contaminant, and low-density component will remain inside. Centrifugal screen filters, or centrifugal separators, are commonly used in oil refineries and in wastewater treatment.
Horizontal Plate Filter
The horizontal multiple-plate pressure filter consists of a number of horizontal circular drainage plates and guides placed in a stack in a cylindrical shell. The slurry is fed under pressure into the vessel and the solid forms a cake on the top of each plate whilst the filtrate passes through the hollow shaft to be discharged. Horizontal plate filters are commonly used in pharmaceutical, food processing, chemical, and beverage industries.
Magnetic Separator
A magnetic separator is designed to separate components of a mixture by using magnets to attract magnetic materials. Magnetic separators are commonly used in the food, chemical, plastics, and feed/grain industries to improve product purity and protect processing equipment from damage. These devices can be designed with permanent magnets or electromagnets.
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